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How can I help?

When I first began discussing what I was going to do to honor Bailey's memory I was surprised and amazed at the response, When we as humans hear about tragic things we have a need to try and say things to make things better, and when we can't do that we are often confused and unable to think of what to say... or do.. Because of this I have decided to offer ways that you can help me honor Bailey if our story touches your heart and you feel the need :)

I'm not the kind of person to usually ask for handouts, but something like this that I feel passionate about I know im going to be hard on myself and the little that I can do (because I'm on welfare)  wont seem like its good enough.


The easiest way is free! haha... Share this website, the message will hopefully resonate with somebody, if not you perhaps somebody you know, I would love to think that, mine and Bailey's message was touchinghearts allover the world.... because then Bailey would perhaps be more than memories and pictures...His death and my pain will not have been for nothing! Comments and Suggestions are also encouraged and welcomed...


Another way to help would be to download the picture of the cards I have made and print them yourselves to leave with a Matchbox car in memory of Bailey in your own area, wherever it may be

















Those with spare yarn/baby yarn are welcome to donate to me and I will use it in my endeavors post plenty of pictures and progress notes :) Just contact me for an address to post to, Matchbox cars (new in box preferably) are also a welcome help.


Anybody worried about postage - or is outside of australia I have set up the folowing pages

 Because I do most of my purchases online using this anyway... and It automatically converts to AUD so there is no need to worry about exchange rates


Gofundme - suggested by others

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